Outreach & Servant Ministries

Outreach Team

The Outreach Team reaches out to our community to invite others to know Christ and to grow in faith by worshiping with our congregation at Ascension Lutheran Church.  Outreach welcomes and responds to visitors and to those who inquire about our church, and we help assimilate new members into the life of our congregation, to include organizing new member receptions and identifying and assigning new member sponsors. Outreach leads members in reaching out to and reactivating inactive members.  The team also extends Christian compassion and helpfulness to our members who are ill or are facing difficult times and to all persons in need of aid in body or soul.  Our Outreach Team strives to keep the congregation informed of people’s needs and encourages members and organizations of the congregation to meet these needs by participating in the many opportunities Ascension offers to serve our members and our community.

Prayer Shawl Ministry - On behalf of the prayer shawl ministry, we would like to thank the dedicated knitters who have faithfully donated their time and talent in adding their special touch to their shawls. Team members work on the shawls at their home, at their leisure. For those of us making these, the rewards are many. The process becomes a way to find quiet time for self-reflection, to engage in a spiritual practice and give a part of ourselves to others. If needed, the cost of your yarn will be reimbursed. Labels and small crosses are provided. 

If you would like to participate, or have any questions, please call the church office.

Servant Ministry Team

Covers a variety of local, national, and international activities serving individuals, families, and communities. Year-round ministries include knitting and quilting groups, food drives for the South Brevard Sharing Center, food rescue drivers, prayer chain, Community of Hope, and serving at the Daily Bread. Seasonal recurring ministries include Lutheran World Relief - Hygiene Kits (January-February), the Superbowl of Caring (February), Care and Share with the South Brevard Sharing Center (March), Blood Mobile (May), School Supply Drive (July - August), Good Samaritan Project Christmas Child (September -October), and the Toy Drive (December).

School Supply Drive - We are collecting School Supplies benefitting Ocean Breeze Elementary in Indian Harbour Beach. We are collecting supplies until August 4. A Thrivent Action Team was created to help with this effort.

Daily Bread – Ascension volunteers serve at Daily Bread every fifth Wednesday. Sign-up sheets are available in the Narthex and online on the serving opportunities tab if you are interested in being a server in this wonderful program which helps our neighborhood poor and homeless.

Merle Steward dropped off 80 clothes items and 13 miscellaneous items at the Daily Bread. Thank you for your donations. 

A big Thank You to Betty Eyster, Shirley Crosser, Lilian Strozier, Siggi McGlothlin, Chris Johnson, Calum Johnson, Matt Thompson., Debbie Edwards, Cindy Harding and Lucas Lawandales for serving at the Daily Bread on July 31. 

Bread Ministry News - The money from your purchase of Pepperidge Farms Bread went directly to help alleviate hunger in Brevard County through DAILY BREAD Ministry. Many thanks to Gordy Anderson for his generous attention to this ministry. As they return north Matt Saab 
jumped in to keep it going through the summer. We who are fed with the Word of the Lord, pray that none might go hungry.

Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits and Quilts – Thank you to all members of Ascension for donating the personal care items needed for our kits. It took many hands to organize, assemble and package all the kits, as well as load up the U-Haul truck. Siggi, Janelle, Barbara, Bev, Matt, Pam, Dani, Marilyn, Carol, Sue, Bob, Merle, Joyce, Ken, Rick, Leah, Steve, Calum, Adric and Pastor Quilters: Sue, Beatrice, Cele, Pam and Sally Special thank you to Calum and Phil for volunteering to drive U-Haul to Clermont, the next destination.

ALC Collected and donated personal care items- record high - 145 kits. Quilting ladies donated a record - 83 quilts. Our church was the local processing center for the Space Coast Conference, consisting of 8 churches. Grand Total for Florida: 5739 Quilts, 303 Baby Care Kits, 82 Fabric Kits, 1382 Personal Care Kits, 2361 School Kits were collected.

The Ascension Quilters were thrilled to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Lutheran World Relief Quilts on March 17th after the church service; great fun was had by all, and they were thrilled with all the positive support of the Ascension congregation.  Some visitors to Room 2 (aka Handwork Room) even helped tie one of the quilts! We welcome and greatly appreciate all support from everyone - and ALL are invited to join us any Tuesday morning at 9:30 am!

World Hunger collection box – You will see this box in the fellowship hall at every meal we share. When we share a meal, we should always think about the less fortunate in this world. The collection will be sent monthly to the ELCA World Hunger Fund. We collected $93 during the month of January. Thank you for being considerate.

South Brevard Sharing Center – Thanks to all of you that bring in food donations every week. A Big Thank You to Merle and Pam Steward and to Carole Mall for taking the donated food over to the Sharing Center weekly. We collected over 200 lbs. of food last month. The Food Pantry will now operate by appointment only every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 am –noon and 1:00pm—4:00 pm. You can schedule an appointment at www.tinyurl.com/SBSC-Pantry or by calling 321-727-8584 during business hours. The Thrift Shop reopened Monday, August 5 at 9 am.

Community of Hope (COH) needs you! COH provides a wonderful way to serve others by helping end homelessness in our community. Community of Hope is a faith-based, ecumenical 501(c)3 that provides housing for families.  In Brevard County the number of families in need is rising.  The resources available for families are NOT increasing.  The Community of Hope mission is focused on working families with children.  Community of Hope provides housing for families, including all the necessities/essentials to make a house a home.  Family coaches and case management are provided to the families to help them reach their goals for self-sufficiency.

How can YOU help?   Do you shop online through Amazon?  Do you order books, movies, tools, anything Amazon sells?  If so, there is an easy way to lend support!  Shop at www.smile.Amazon.com, select Community of Hope, Melbourne, Florida as the agency to support and order away!  Smile Amazon will donate 5% of every purchase to Community of Hope to help serve families right here in our area.

Community of Hope also needs volunteers for many types of tasks.  Everything from building maintenance and repair, painting, lawn beautification, office assistance, collecting donated household goods, to coaching/mentoring a family.  There are ways for every one of every age and ability to become involved, helping to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for all your support!

The Shepherd's Center provides a variety of classes for adults over the age of 55 from a variety of life experiences and faiths. We are people coming together and putting into action the supportive message of the Twenty-third Psalm to sustain and celebrate life. There are three 8-week terms: Fall, Winter and Spring. Class schedule is available on the Shepherd's Center Website. In addition to attending classes, members are welcome to volunteer to teach and support this program.

Peer to Peer Lifelong Learning Class descriptions and times will be
posted online September 1. Online registration negins September 19. Thursday classes will be at Eastminster Presbyterian Church beginning October 3, and Friday classes will begin at Ascension Lutheran Church on October 4. For more info on Shepherd’s Center Beachside: www.myshepherdcenter.org.

Prayer Chain is a group dedicated to lifting our members, family, friends, and community in prayer and thanksgiving to the Lord. If you have any prayer needs or would like to volunteer for the important ministry, please go to our serving opportunities tab or send an email to ourchurch@cfl.rr.com.

The Military in Our Prayers – We ask members and visitors to remember all who are serving in the military overseas and at home. A list of individuals is available in our weekly bulletin.

Ascension Quilters - The Ascension Quilters will gladly, at any time, appreciate donations of any items listed that you may be looking for a 'new home" to place them: Quilted bedspreads (good condition, no stains), Fabric (cotton, corduroy or flannel), Thread, Embroidery floss, Crochet thread ONLY cotton yarn.

The Ascension Quilters are not only wearing our green on March 17th, but we're also celebrating 75 years of LWR Quilts that day! We will be holding an Open House in Room 2 with coffee and goodies during Coffee Fellowship on March 17th . . . you just need to follow the leprechaun's path after church that morning to find the fun! There will be finished quilts on display (yes, we've been busy since the truck left Ascension!) AND one, maybe two quilts that you too can help tie, and find out how much fun we have weekly! See you in Room 2 wearing YOUR green! For more information, please chat with Pam, Sue, Cecelia, Sally or Beatrice.

Please note that the Knitting group will gladly accept donations of any yarn; however, as of 1 January, we are no longer permitted to use any yarn/threads to tie the quilts outside of what is listed above. We can use all colors for all the thread/yarn listed above. We also would be THRILLED to have more helping hands - please feel free to join us any Tuesday morning at 9:30 am! For more information, please chat with Pam, Sue, Cecelia, Sally or Beatrice.

New Life Ministry - Since 2009, New Life Mission has equipped homeless mothers with the skills and knowledge to transform their families in a Christ-centered environment. New Life Mission works to permanently break the generational cycle of homelessness by providing homeless women with children safe shelter, onsite childcare, in-house mental health counseling, access to health care, transportation, education, nutrition, job training, life skills education and more.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

1053 Pinetree Dr, Indian Harbour Beach, FL
